
The self-destructive nature of women

Between man and woman, a woman is more prone to make a decision that could ruin her entire life. This is simply because, woman is an emotional being. She is a slave to her emotions. Always doing what she FEELS…

Three Shall Become One

Three Shall Come Together and Become ONE. Three halves. Three of different natures. They are simply of different worlds. Each one, complete alone. Yet when they come together, they complement one another. Man, his purpose and the woman. God’s beautiful…

Women are a reward for a man’s value

In the Bible,  Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and so on, have one thing in common: Women were the reward they got for becoming useful to society. Pay attention. Women weren’t GIVEN to them BEFORE they became men of value, it…

A father is the most disliked by his children

In general, fathers tend to be the most disliked by their children—especially by their sons.  Justifiably so, because most times, fathers are the ones who mete discipline out to the children. Whilst mothers are the ones who are more loved…

Be a Producer, a creator and not a consumer

To dance to the tune of God, is to be a producer: The blood of God is seething through your veins because you are his son—you are a god— made in his likeness. Therefore, you are born to be a…

The Cost Of Hatred

The Cost of Hatred. It takes a lot of energy and time to hate someone. This is why you shouldn’t hate anyone. I’m not saying this because it’s “bad” to hate. It’s simply a waste of your time and energy.…

Women are not loved unconditionally

Love comes with conditions. There’s nothing like an “unconditional love”. There’s always a condition whether explicit or implicit necessary for the reaction of love to take place. This is why it’s false to say women are loved unconditionally. Or that…

The Most Dangerous Man Alive

The most dangerous man is not the quietest in the room nor is it the man who builds himself from nothing. The most dangerous man is the man that doesn’t depend on people. He simply doesn’t want to be a…

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