Focus on the things within your zone of control; Ignore the things outside your zone of control. Life is much much better this way.
Thing is, we humans often pay too much attention to the wrong things, to the marginal details of the fabric of life, the things of least significance. As a result, we end up lugging a weight that we shouldn’t even carry, a burden, in itself, that doesn’t matter. And this culminates in us becoming unhappy and insecure.
For instance, there are guys who care too much about their height. These guys believe that they need to be 6-feet-tall before women could find them attractive. These guys who are obsessed with their height carry a weight they shouldn’t carry. Their height is totally out of their control. Ergo, it shouldn’t matter at all to them. But they feel unhappy instead of focusing on what truly matters which is to increase their value.
In short, we focus too much on things outside our zone of control, our persnickety self leads us to take our attention away from what truly matters. It’s like a bright light of trifle desires is being directed to our eyes, hence blinding us from the real things that we should be paying attention to.